Before you start reading this post and thinking that I am just some bitter ex-girlfriend pissed off at the world because I don't have a date -- please think again. I just feel, with Valentine's Day right around the corner and everyone freaking out about what they are going to get, that I need to express something that I feel very strongly about -- this whole February 14th thing, it's nothing but a lie.
You've probably been seeing a bunch of chocolate commercials trying to sell you the deepest, richest chocolate that you'll ever taste or the biggest, shiniest diamonds that your girlfriend just needs to have, or the online flower shops advertising a dozen roses for only $59.99. Well my goodness, sign me up for at least two dozen -- what a deal! Every company is currently advertising is banking on all you men...and yes, us ladies too, to go out and buy our significant other or maybe even your FWB, something special.
I would be lying if I said I never went out to partake in this celebration of love and/or lust. I enjoy buying chocolates, cards, and even a few items that don't necessarily needed to be stated on a blog site. I even enjoy getting all dressed up, going out to dinner, and talking over my usual chicken salad and beer. Yum!
I'm trying to think about where this all started at for me. When did I enjoy the 14th of February?
Thinking back to my childhood crushes, I think Valentine's Day first started for me in 8th grade. I had a boyfriend, whom I am still good friends with today. He came up to me and handed me a bunch of chocolates. We kissed awkwardly. At the time, I didn't have the heart to tell him that I was deathly allergic to chocolate. Instead, I thanked him, grinning and blushing, and walked away to show all my friends what MY boyfriend had gotten for me.
Then came high school. I had the same boyfriend from my freshman year to my junior year and Valentine's Day with him were far from great. He, like other country boys I'm assuming, always forgot about Valentine's Day. He didn't get what the big deal was all about and why it meant so much to be taken out on that specific day. "But it's Valentine's Day!" He still argued with me that he shows his love and spends an abundance of money on me any other day, so that one day out of the year isn't anything extra special.
Then came my freshman and sophomore year college boyfriend. He liked to shower me with gifts and I didn't mind. First came my Pandora bracelet along with a few other minor gifts that satisfied my Valentine's Day wants.
After that I had a few crushes and relationships in which I didn't quite care as much about the entire holiday as spending quality time with them. I began thinking back to what my high school boyfriend had been trying to drive into my stubborn, immature head. "Why should I shower you with my love, affection, and gifts today? I do any other day." This really got me thinking deeper and deeper.
Valentine's Day is a corporate holiday. Flower shops, jewelry stores, Hallmark, cell phone companies, restaurants, movie theaters, and even Target are making bank. They are raking in so much money the week before this is unreal. They are brainwashing everyone into thinking that on this one day everyone in the the entire world...should be showing their love and affection to their significant other.
But I call bullshit. Why? Because I want to go back to my high school boyfriend. I want to date and be with a man that has that concept in his head. Why not be showing our constant love and affection everyday of the year? Why must we be only really emphasize it on February 14th? Why not March 26th, May 21st, or August 19th? Why not share your love all year long? Why not surprise your best friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, FWB, or crush with a flowers or a simple card on April 3rd? Why not wine and dine them on September 1st? Why not surprise them with tickets to your favorite show on June 23rd? Why not, ladies and gentleman?
As I conclude this, I must say that I was trapped in the holiday spirit and bought 3 cards in which I sent out to three beautiful ladies that deserve to be sent kind words...that they will get before Valentine's Day (if the mail service does their job correctly). In saying that, I hope to all the in love couples that you find yourself a man that will not only share their love and affection with you on Friday, but I hope they will continue that and spend the rest of the year showing you how much you truly mean to them. We accept the love we think we deserve. Never forget that.
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